What information does Adventist Health Glendale provide?
If you are a patient at Adventist Health Glendale, we provide you with a Patient Guide, which contains information about the hospital, what you can expect during your stay, a TV guide and many other helpful tips and tools. to reach the hospital operator.
How do I get support from Adventist Health?
With MyAdventistHealth you can: Support is available through our customer care patient portal support site . If Adventist Health has sent you an email invitation to the patient portal, you can follow these detailed instructions to create an account.
How do I verify my Adventist Health account?
For account verification, use the email, medical record number or phone number on file with your Adventist Health care provider. You will not be able to verify with email address if it is already in use by another patient in the portal.
How do I self-enroll in Adventist Health?
Self-enrollment is now available on the patient portal.* To self-enroll, use the email or telephone number we have on file, or your Adventist Health medical record number (MRN) found on your discharge summary or other paperwork from a recent visit.