Asante Mychart Customer Service

asante mychart customer service

Asante Mychart Customer Service is online health management tool. It allows you to access your health records, request prescription refills, schedule appointments, and more. Check our official links below:

WebMyChart got a makeover! Beyond a whole new look, MyChart now offers several new features to patients. Log in or sign up to learn more! Communicate with your doctor Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home; Access your test …

MyChart – Login Page – Asante

WebIf after talking with your insurance you still have questions please call Asante. Asante Patient Financial Services 888-608-7632 Also in this Section Billing Financial Assistance …

My Bill – Frequently Asked Questions – Asante


What is Asante my chart?

Getting a blood draw, X-ray or seeing an urgent care provider got easier (and faster) this month with a new Asante My Chart feature that estimates walk-in wait times at various Asante outpatient locations and allows you to check in within the app before your visit. To access the feature, click “Menu,” then “Find Care Now.”

Can I sign up for Asante at home?

All patients over age 18 will receive an activation code at the end of each Asante visit, so you can sign up at home when it’s convenient for you. Patients under 18 (and/or their parent/legal guardian) must speak with their doctor in person before signing up for MyChart.

How do I sign up for a MyChart account?

Existing patients may use an activation code to sign up for a MyChart account. This code allows you to create your new MyChart user ID and password, which you will then use to log on to MyChart. All patients over age 18 will receive an activation code at the end of each Asante visit, so you can sign up at home when it’s convenient for you.

What is a MyChart activation code?

This code allows you to create your new MyChart user ID and password, which you will then use to log on to MyChart. All patients over age 18 will receive an activation code at the end of each Asante visit, so you can sign up at home when it’s convenient for you. If you need assistance getting your access code, please contact us.

What is an EOB in insurance?

Your insurance will send you an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) that will detail the provider of service, services rendered, and the amount your insurance plans to pay. The EOB will also note items that are non-covered or denied, and any remaining balance that you owe. Take time to review your insurance EOB carefully, comparing it to your Asante billing statement. Call your insurance or Asante right away if you have questions or concerns.

Why do we ask for payment at the time of service?

A. We ask for payment at the time of service so you won’t be inconvenienced with a billing sent to your home after your visit. It also helps to reduce costs and saves you the trouble of mailing a payment back to Asante.

How to contact insurance company after reviewing EOB?

After reviewing your EOB if you still have a question you should contact your insurance company using the customer service phone number listed on your insurance card. If after talking with your insurance you still have questions please call Asante.

What are some examples of medical billings that are not part of Asante?

Some examples of these may include anesthesia services, radiology reading fees, assistant surgeons, etc.

Does Asante have a counselor?

A. Yes, Asante has certified application counselors located at each hospital that can assist you with filing your Oregon Medicaid application. Please note that counselors are only located at each hospital and not at Asante Physician Partner locations.

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