Discover the top resources you can rely on to get the assistance you need for your cahaba medical care.
Patient Info
Are you a new patient? Cahaba Medical Care is always accepting new patients at each of our clinic locations. Sign up at our patient Portal.
Cahaba Medical Care
Discover exceptional family, OB, and pediatric care at Cahaba Medical Care. Our expert professionals, modern facilities, and commitment to access serve 26 locations across …
Patient Info — Cahaba Medical Care
Cahaba Medical Care Foundation is a deemed federal Public Health Service employee under the FTCA. This entity receives HRS Health Center Program grant funding under …
What is a patient provider portal?
What are the disadvantages of a patient portal?
Potential for information overload: Patients may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information available in the portal and may not know how to interpret or use the information.
Which information can be accessed through a patient portal?
Are patient portals good?