Cincinnatichildrens Mychart is online health management tool. It allows you to access your health records, request prescription refills, schedule appointments, and more. Check our official links below:
WebMyChart On My Way provides a list of the available Cincinnati Children’s lab locations, along with their hours and current wait times. Once you select a location, you can choose …
MyChart – Login Page
WebMyChart On My Way provides a list of the available Cincinnati Children’s lab locations, along with their hours and current wait times. Once you select a location, you can choose …
MyChart – Login Page – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital …
How do I donate to Cincinnati Children’s?
Go to the Giving homepage for Cincinnati Children’s. You’ll find news, information and ways to donate. Make a gift securely online via the Cincinnati Children’s donation page. Looking for an event hosted by a family member, friend or coworker? Search for the organizer’s name to find the page.
What is the phone number for Cincinnati Children’s iPhone application?
Cincinnati Children’s iPhone application Powered by For questions, please call us at (844) 747-9518. © Teladoc, Inc., all rights reserved. Need Assistance?
Why should I make a recurring donation to Cincinnati Children’s?
Thank you for supporting Cincinnati Children’s! When you choose to make a recurring donation, you become a part of our ongoing commitment to a better future for all kids. If you have questions about your gift, please contact Liz Curnett Thank you! Need help find another page? Our team is hard at work planning the 2022 Cincinnati Walks for Kids.
How do I Reset my Cincinnati Children’s password?
Cincinnati Children’s Android application Cincinnati Children’s iPhone application Forgot Password The reset password email has been sent. Please enter your email address or user name. We will email you a link to reset your password. Email address or username Retrieve Password Or Log In
How old do you have to be to get a MyChart account?
If your child is 12 years old or younger or you are 18 years old or older, you may now go online to request a MyChart account. Simply select the form that best describes you. A photo ID is required to sign up online, so look for the secure upload to submit your proof of identification. Allow seven business days when requesting a MyChart account online.
What is MyChart for kids?
MyChart allows you to schedule follow-up visits with care providers and gives you access to your child’s medical records, allowing you to view test results, a list of medications, appointments, follow-up instructions, diagnoses and more.
How old do you have to be to access MyChart?
Parents and primary caregivers can sign up to access MyChart for their children under the age of 13. For patients 13 to 17, parents or primary caregivers can access their child’s account as long as the child signs the MyChart assent agreement. (This is necessary to make sure adolescents understand that some aspects of their health information will be available to their parents or caregivers.) In addition, patients who are 13-17 may sign up for their own MyChart account as long as at least one parent or guardian has an account as well. If a child 13 to 17 declines to sign the assent agreement, neither the patient nor the parents or primary caregivers can access the medical record using MyChart. (Exceptions to this policy are made for children with diminished capacity.) Patients over 18 may sign up for their own MyChart account. Adult patients can also grant temporary proxy access to other family members, such as parents, siblings or spouses. For patients over 18 who are of diminished capacity, proof of continued legal guardianship is required.
How old do you have to be to get a MyChart account?
If your child is 12 years old or younger or you are 18 years old or older, you may now go online to request a MyChart account. Simply select the form that best describes you. A photo ID is required to sign up online, so look for the secure upload to submit your proof of identification. Please allow 7 business days when requesting a MyChart account online.
What age do you have to be to get a MyChart?
If your child is between the ages of 13 and 17, you must come to a Cincinnati Children’s clinic to receive an activation code to sign the necessary paperwork. A MyChart agreement and assent form is required at 13 because state and federal laws recognize additional medical privacy rights for adolescents. These forms must be completed in person. We want to keep your children – and their information – safe.