Edward Mychart Login is online health management tool. It allows you to access your health records, request prescription refills, schedule appointments, and more. Check our official links below:
WebMyEEHealth includes MyChart – plus, you can schedule appts, find a doctor, check wait times & more! For iOS > For Android > Manage your appointments Schedule or request your next appointment, or view details of your past and upcoming appointments; Download …
MyChart – Login Page
MyEEHealth | Edward-Elmhurst Health
What can I do with MyChart?
Log in to MyChart® to access your secure online patient portal, and much more! Schedule an appointment for a test, procedure or doctor visit, including the next available one. What can I schedule in MyChart?
How can I securely access the MyChart account for family members or persons under my care?
MyChart is accessible on your desktop or mobile web browser at mychart.dulyhealthandcare.com or download the free Duly Health and Care app on your smartphone or tablet. You can also securely access the MyChart account for family members or persons under your care with Proxy access. Complete the Proxy Access forms available here to receive access.
How can I get MyChart activation?
Request MyChart activation at your next doctor or hospital visit, or request an activation code online (it takes just two minutes!). Once you have a MyChart account, you can log in 24/7 through the MyChart web site or, even better, from the MyEEHealth app!
What is the MyChart Help Line number?
Questions? Call the MyChart Help Line at 630-527-5070 or view MyChart FAQs.
What is virtual care?
Virtual care: Seek treatment advice in a Video Visit * or an E-Visit (available now for COVID-19 screening, new health issues and follow-up care.)
How old do you have to be to have Teen Access?
For children less than 18 years of age. Teen access is limited. Click here for more information
Can a parent access my chart?
Yes , this is called “proxy” access. For a child under 12, this allows a legal parent or guardian to log into their personal MyChart account, and then connect to information regarding their child. Per State guidelines, after the child becomes 12 the parent will have access to appointments and be able to send messages but will have limited access to the child’s medical record information unless an expanded access form is signed by parent and teen and an adult witness. Access will not expire until the child turns 18, the parent can get access to the patient’s medical record information with the patient’s authorization. It is also possible to request access to another adult’s health record if you help manage that adult’s medical care.
Knowing where to seek treatment could save you time and money—even your life. Learn how to decide which option is best for your health situation.