Mychart Great Plains Health is online health management tool. It allows you to access your health records, request prescription refills, schedule appointments, and more. Check our official links below:
WebMy Chart is a personalized, confidential online medical record, powered by One Chart that features 24/7 access to personal health information. This service is offered for the …
Patient portal | Great Plains Health
WebGreat Plains Health is committed to providing our region with up-to-date and accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine. We continue to work with the state of Nebraska …
Home | Great Plains Health
What is my chart?
My Chart is a personalized, confidential online medical record, powered by One Chart that features 24/7 access to personal health information. This service is offered for the convenience of our patients and at no additional charge. Registration takes about two minutes and is easy to do. Once registered, My Chart users can:
How do I contact the MyChart help desk?
Need Assistance? Call the MyChart Help Desk. Phone: 470-644-0419. Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5:00pm. New User? Sign Up (I have a code) Sign Up (I don’t have a code)
What is Great Plains health’s commitment?
Great Plains Health is committed to providing our region with up-to-date and accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine. We continue to work with the state of Nebraska and our local health department on the phased distribution of the vaccine. GPFit! Care. Compassion. Independence. Today and every day, we celebrate our healthcare independence.
What is UW Health MyChart?
UW Health MyChart is a secure online service that allows you to view portions of your UW Health medical record, receive test results, schedule simple appointments, and more. View and print selected health issues, medications, allergies and immunizations
How to create a login for MyChart?
Visit MyChart and choose a login method on the registration screen. You can create your own login information or use one of the IDs you already have for Google, Yahoo, Facebook or Windows Live.
How to build a secure personal health record?
Build secure personal health record by self-entering your over-the-counter medications, allergies and medical events.
What is my chart?
My Chart offers an easy-to-use tool that provides the necessary information for our patients to take charge of their own health and well-being. In doing so, our patients can become active partners with their healthcare team in making decisions about their medical care. GPHealth is a secure and private online environment.
How to get proxy access on MyChart?
Log into your MyChart and type in “request proxy access” in the search menu bar. Select “other account” to click the “request access” button. Select the appropriate proxy relationship and follow the instructions.
Why are paperless bills so convenient?
Convenience: Paperless bills reduce the amount of mail you receive, allow patients to view and pay bills in one convenient location, with less hassle