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Inpatient Portal
Our online patient portal makes it easy for you to access information related to your orthopedic condition and care at our hospital.
Inpatient Portal | Kansas City Orthopaedic Institute – KCOI
Our online patient portal makes it easy for you to access information related to your orthopedic condition and care at our hospital. Following discharge from inpatient surgery …
Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs
COMPREHENSIVE ORTHOPEDIC SERVICES. When you do one thing, and you do it every day, you become very good at it. For us, that one thing is orthopedic care, and we deliver …
How do I contact the KCOI inpatient portal?
I acknowledge, before accessing the KCOI inpatient portal, that messages sent in the inpatient portal ARE NOT MONITORED by anyone. Should you need a response from your surgeon or their staff, you MUST contact them through the clinic directly (KCOA at 913-319-7600 or OSMCKC at 913-319-7500). If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
What is the my clinic care patient portal?
The My Clinic Care patient portal provides you with confidential and secure online access to your health information. From the convenience of your home or on your mobile device, you can access test results, your medical history, upcoming appointments, medications and allergies.
How do I apply for KCOI financial assistance?
The application form is also available on the KCOI website. The hospital business office staff is available to assist patients in completing the form. You may contact the business office at 913-253-8932. KCOI Financial Assistance Policy (PDF) only includes patient bills for services provided by the hospital.
Who can access the mycookcountyhealth patient portal?
You must be at least 18 years old to access the MyCookCountyHealth Patient Portal. To protect your privacy, you may not permit any other person to access the MyCookCountyHealth Patient Portal using your user name and password. The use of your account is your responsibility.