Northside Hospital Mychart is online health management tool. It allows you to access your health records, request prescription refills, schedule appointments, and more. Check our official links below:
WebCustomer Support. If you have any difficulty registering or using the service, please contact Customer Support at 404-531-5888 (voicemail available after business hours), or email …
Patient Portal | Northside Hospital
WebMyChart is a service your healthcare organization provides to give you access to. your health record. Your records stay at the organization where you receive care. Some …
Log In or Sign up | MyChart
What is the Health Information Services Department at Northside Hospital?
The Health Information Services Department at Northside Hospital, which includes the Medical Records Department, is committed to protecting your privacy and also to giving you timely, accurate access to your medical records when you need them. Northside Hospital now offers an online records request tool for complete copies of your medical records.
How do I get my medical records from Northside hospitals?
Please be sure to call and check directly with your physician’s office to see if Northside Hospitals centralized Release of Information Department releases medical records on their behalf prior to submitting a request through this department to assure you have no delay in receiving your records.
Who can I contact for assistance with MyChart?
MyChart serves these organizations: If you need assistance with MyChart, please email
[email protected] call (770) 219-1963 between the hours of 7am – 4:30pm EST. MyChart® licensed from Epic Systems Corporation, © 1999 – 2023.
How to sign up for Northside?
There are two simple ways to sign up for your personal access. 1 Personal Invite – During your visit to Northside you provided us with your personal e-mail for your invitation.#N#Click on the link included in your e-mail from Northside or cut and paste to your web browser to activate your account. 2 Register – If you have not already provided us with your personal e-mail, you may access the MyOneChart site and register .
How to contact Northside?
If you have any difficulty registering or using the service, please contact Customer Support at
404-531-5888 (voicemail available after business hours), or email
[email protected] .
How old do you have to be to sign up for MyOneChart?
Patients over 14 years of age who provided their registrar with an email address will automatically receive an email invitation to sign up for their MyOneChart account.
How to get a release of medical records?
Download and print an Authorization Form for Release of Medical Records and Information. Complete the form, making sure to include a daytime phone number and the patient’s signature, and mail, fax or email to:
What is Northside Hospital’s health information service?
The Health Information Services Department at Northside Hospital, which includes the Medical Records Department, is committed to protecting your privacy and also to giving you timely, accurate access to your medical records when you need them.